Här kan du ladda ner arkiverade standarder, rapporter och guider som ligger inom ITS ansvarsområde. De flesta är skrivna på engelska och du kan ladda ner dem gratis, notera att ITS har copyright.
European digital cellular telecommunications system, GSM – Technical requirements for physical connection to the telephone network of ”Televerket”
European digital cellular telecommunications system, GSM – Technical requirements for physical connection to the telephone network of ”Televerket”
European digital cellular telecommunications system, GSM – Technical requirements for physical connection to the telephone network of ”Televerket”
European digital cellular telecommunications system, GSM – Technical requirements for physical connection to the telephone network of ”Televerket” – Message transfer part (MTP)
European digital cellular telecommunications system, GSM – Signalling requirements for physical connection to a public telephone network – International telephone user part (ITUP)
European digital cellular telecommunications system, GSM – Signalling requirements for physical connection to the telephone network of ”Televerket” – Signalling connection control part (SCCP)
European digital cellular telecommunications system, GSM – Requirements on tone messages sent from a GSM network connected to a PSTN
Nordic mobile telephone system NMT 450 – Technical specification for the mobile station (doc. 450-3)
Mobile Number portability in Sweden – Administrative process for mobile number portability, including the administrative interface and the central reference database – Technical prestudy. Text only in English
Number Portability in Sweden – Network solutions for Service Provider Portability for public digital mobile telephony services – Technical prestudy. Text only in English
Interconnect testing of basic call and supplementary services on the PSTN-ISDN-PLMN ISUP signalinginterface for Sweden. Text only in English
Number portability in Sweden – Administrative process for number portability, including the administrative interface and the central reference database – Technicalprestudy. Text only in English
Procedures in digital PLMNs for positioning of Mobile Terminals at Emergency Calls. Text only in English
Interworking Aspects Related to Priority Services in Swedish Public Communications Networks
Aspects of Developing Support for the International Emergency Preference Scheme (IEPS) in Swedish Public Communications Networks
Gränssnitt för begäran och utlämnande av trafikuppgifter för brottsbekämpande ändamålInterface for the request and disclosure of traffic data forlaw enforcement purposes