Slutgiltig röstning på EN 300 220-2!
Stort tack till alla som bidragit med kommentarer kring ETSI-standarden EN 300 220-2!
Arbetsgruppen ETSI ERM TG 28 har nu bearbetat inkomna synpunkter och uppdaterat utkastet, som nu skickats ut till medlemsorganisationerna för slutröstning.
Nyhetsflöde från ETSI
- ETSI Mission Critical testing event reports a 95% success rate2025-02-18
- FRMCS #4 Plugtests Event Validates 3GPP Standards for Future Railway Mobile Communication System2025-02-18
- Future confidence: Inaugural LTA Signature Augmentation and Validation Plugtests™ focuses on Long-Term Archive signatures2025-02-18
- ETSI and 5GAA driving interoperability as C-V2X tests hit a 94% success rate2025-02-18
- ETSI Future Railway Mobile Communication System interoperability testing event starting today2025-02-18
- ETSI interop event for future rail communication reports a success rate of 86%2025-02-18
- Looking forward to the world’s largest and most influential connectivity event - Mobile World Congress 2025, March 3 - 6 in Barcelona2025-02-18