Working Groups
All the technical work we do is carried out by several different working groups. In these working groups, experts meet and discuss standard development, which aspects should be covered by a standard, and review suggestions from our members. On this page, you can read more about our different working groups and what opportunities to help shape future communication are available to you!
Standards approval
Standards Approval is the working group responsible for voting on European standards for ICT, cyber security, accessibility, and energy consumption. The group consists of small and medium-sized enterprises, major market players, governmental organizations, and other organizations with Swedish interests.
Each year, the working group handles about a hundred European standards, some of which are harmonized standards that ETSI is developing for the Radio Equipment Directive. By participating in our Standards Approval group, you get the latest information on requirements and regulations for future radio communication systems, cyber security, energy consumption, and the development of the European standardization system. By being an active member, you get the opportunity to affect the work and contribute to the development of services and products for the European Common Market.

Networking Interworking
Our Networking Interworking group’s goal is to ensure functional requirements within and between public communication networks, as well as between public communication networks and emergency centers for emergency communication where European or international standards/technical specifications are lacking or provide too many alternatives.
Most members of this group are network operators and other actors in ICT, such as manufacturers, consultants, and government agencies. Together, the group develops technical specifications (Application Guides) and Swedish national standards when needed. The group also carries out feasibility studies in new technology areas. The results of these studies are then used in industry agreements and interconnection agreements between operators and sometimes also as a form of a basis for PTS regulations.

Human factors
This working group is responsible for collecting and compiling the Swedish positions in the development of EN 301 549 (Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services). The European standard EN 301 549 is intended to be used partly in public procurement of ICT as well as by public actors covered by the so-called web accessibility directive.

Cyber security
The working group that works with cyber security-related issues monitors the development of standards within ETSI TC Cyber, WG QSC (Quantum-Safe Cryptography), and ETSI TC ESI (Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures). This working group discusses the requirements of different Swedish stakeholders and gathers Swedish viewpoints and compiles them for coherent input. Since cyber security is such an essential aspect for a variety of industries and sectors, the cyber security working group brings together small and large organizations, governmental agencies, and companies with Swedish interests to get as broad an input as possible.
Multi stakeholder platform
This working group discusses incoming documents regarding the Multi Stakeholder Platform and develops the Swedish positions. The Multi Stakeholder Platform, in turn, consists of representatives from all the EU member states and EFTA countries, the European and international ICT standardization bodies, and stakeholders representing the industry, small and medium-sized enterprises, and consumers.
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Our network brings together Swedish industry experts in IT and telecommunications to influence the development of the industry’s standards. Become a member and help shape the telecommunications of the future!
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