Who are we?
We are a non-profit organization that works to ensure the level of connectivity required today with the help of standards and common approaches. Our network connects Swedish industry experts within IT and telecommunication to influence the development of industry standards. Together, we shape the communication of the future!
We Set the National Standards
One could say that ITS represents Sweden’s involvement. We gather input from small organizations, consumers, regulatory authorities, and other interested groups. With the help of that input, we, together with major industry actors, shape the future.
ITS is a non-profit association consisting of a council, board, several technical teams, and an office led by our CEO. All Swedish-registered companies, associations, authorities and government agencies, institutions of higher education, and organizations interested in actively contributing to or supporting ITS and our work can become members.
You can download our statutes (in Swedish) here if you want to read more about how our organization and membership work.
The Swedish government has appointed ITS (Svenska Informations- och Telekommunikationsstandardiseringen), SEK Swedish Elstandard (SEK), and the Swedish Institute for Standards (SIS) as Swedish standardization bodies. As a Swedish national standardization body (NSO), ITS is also a member of ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
Download our annual report (in Swedish) here.Be part of shaping the communication of the future
Our network brings together Swedish industry experts in IT and telecommunications to influence the development of the industry’s standards. Become a member and help shape the telecommunications of the future!
Become a member