ETSI TC STQ (Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality) is calling for experts in a Testing Task Force (TTF) on characterization of the New ETSI speech codec based on subjective Test data bases.
The new ETSI TTF T021 extends a previous ETSI TTF T005, in which the new ETSI speech codec was tested for performance and quality, using controlled subjective listening tests with panels of male and female listeners, who rated the quality of speech from a mix of male and female talkers.
After completion of TTF T005, and the announcement of the results to other standards development organizations, there was a request to ETSI TC STQ from ITU-T Study Group 12, to provide information on how the new ETSI speech codec can be used in network planning, and to determine how well an instrumental measure of speech quality, ITU-T P.863, predicts the subjective quality found in ETSI TTF T005.
This new project of ETSI TTF T021 will build on the results from ETSI TTF T005 and will perform the work required to fully respond to the ITU-T request.
If you want to be a part of this Testing Task Force but are not yet member of ETSI, contact ITS for more information.