On December, 1st 2020, ETSI’s General Assembly elected its new Board for the period 2020–2023. Bettina Funk, CEO of the Swedish Information and Telecommunications Standardisation (ITS), is one of the new members of the ETSI Board and made her entrance with being within the top 4 of the elected members.
– I am very proud and happy that I have gained the trust of so many ETSI members at the same time as I am humble before the task, says Bettina. But above all, I am very much looking forward to helping create the future of ETSI together with all the other talented board members.
In addition to standardisation in the classic areas such as radio and telecommunications, ETSI has in recent years made major efforts in standardising new areas of information technology, such as cyber security. In addition to technical issues, ETSI also needs to ensure that the development of the New Legislative Framework (NLF) within the EU is taking a turn in the right direction. In the coming 3 years, the ETSI Board will have to shoulder the task of, together with CEN and CENELEC, developing new forms of cooperation with the Commission in order to maintain the positive effects that standardisation has had on the development of the single European market since the introduction of the NLF.
– It is with great pleasure that we can announce today that ETSI’s approximately 900 members from 62 countries have shown their strong support for Bettina and ITS, says Magnus Madfors, chair of ITS. With the seat in the ETSI Board, ITS-members gain excellent insight into ETSI’s core business and ITS increases the opportunity for its members to present the views of Swedish stakeholders on important issues. The Board assignment also opens further opportunities for discussions with national authorities and with the Commission.